Friday, February 8, 2008

Caroline's Art

I have started this blog so all of my family and friends can see my art work. I hope all of you enjoy my pictures. I have only been painting for 4 years so I am still improving with each one.

Most of the pictures are for sale. Just email me if you are interested in any of them. ( Use Art info as the subject.

Please feel free to leave any comments.


Elizabeth Tippitt-Poe said...

Your art is so beautiful, it's just like being back in Louisiana. Your talent is amazing, if you do not have a web site set up to sell your pieces, you should.
I am so amazed that you and Lori have remained in touch for all these years. I can't even remember all the names of the girls I was friends with in Louisiana.
Take care and keep creating,
Elizabeth Tippitt-Poe

parkerpiggott said...

Caroline, you are so talented!! One day I plan on buying one of your pictures for myself. I also forwarded your blog to my sister so she could see it. I love you so much, girl. Keep up the good work!!
Lori Parker

Butch Simoneaux said...

Great art work, cousin. I especially love the magnolia, love the colors and the style in which you paint. Looking 4-ward to seeing more. I thank you for letting me know about this. Bye for now.
Butch Simoneaux

yoyo said...

Caroline you are a wonderful artist!!! Aunt Jayne would be very, very proud of you!!!!

Candy said...

Oh my goodness Caroline! I love the Bocage Coffee Table! I remember when you were working on it. I hadn't seen it completed. Great work girl!

LD said...

Please post some more photos of your art. Christmas is coming and I'd like to start shopping :)

Cheryl Hudson Dolan said...

Hello! I bought something from you on Poshmark and you included your card. I came to look at your website and wanted to tell you that your artwork is BEAUTIFUL!! You have an amazing talent!
Take care,
Cheryl Dolan

LSU football

LSU football
Acrylic $50.00


Watercolor $50.00

Fleur de Lis - acrylic

Fleur de Lis - acrylic
3rd place winner in art show (sold)

Oh so close!!

Oh so close!!
Medium acrylic (sold)

He Awaits

He Awaits
Medium acrylic - $50.00

Louisiana Jumbo Shrimp

Louisiana Jumbo Shrimp
medium pastel - $25.00

Saturday Morning Friends

Saturday Morning Friends
medium acrylic - $200.00

Bocage on Coffee table

Bocage on Coffee table

Southern Plantation 2

Southern Plantation 2
I have finally finished the table!

Mardi Gras Magnolia

Mardi Gras Magnolia
Medium acrylic - $200.00

majestic elephants

majestic elephants
pastel $125.00-it now has frame

Bunny Quartet

Bunny Quartet
medium - pastel $200.00

Jazzy Fingers

Jazzy Fingers
medium - acrylic (sold)

Grandma's Table

Grandma's Table
medium - pastel (sold)